Black Walnut Hull Cancer Research

Green Black Walnut Hulls

Being the Head Honcho over here at Natural Health Supply since 2001, I’ve had over a decade of experience sharing the wealth of information found in the books by Dr. Hulda Clark. It’s always exciting for me to share information that backs up Dr. Clark’s words of wisdom. I get especially excited when conventional medicine gets positive results from studying the various ways Dr. Clark claimed to cure and prevent cancer.

Here we have the common tree, the Black Walnut and the green medicinal hull before it turns black. It is this green hull that is the main ingredient for making Dr. Hulda Clark’s  Black Walnut Hull Tincture as found in her books.

Known as Dr. Clark’s Cancer Curing Recipe from the book, The Cure For All Cancers the 18 day Herbal Parasite Cleanse uses the three herbs, Black Walnut Hull, Wormwood, and Cloves. It is Dr. Clark’s belief that the three herbs rid the immune system of nearly 100 varieties of parasites so the body can cure itself of cancer and other diseases. Add to it daily zapping with a Hulda Clark Zapper, and you pretty much have the whole immunity boosting program found in her book. The theory is, without the burden of germs, bacteria, viruses, and parasites, the immune system can focus primarily on the cancer or other disease, and have a better chance of winning. The human body provides the cure; the herbs and zapper cleanse the body so it can perform the miracle of healing for you.

I personally believe supporting the immune system works wonders, and I share the wealth of information with my family members who are open to natural approaches toward health. I’m not alone. It seems that Big Pharma is involved in many studies involving the medicinal chemical found in Black Walnut Hull known as Juglone. Because Juglone can be separated from Black Walnut Hulls and made into Juglone pills and topical creams they are willing to research what ancient history has known for centuries: Black Walnut Hull has anti-cancer properties just as Dr. Clark advised so long ago. Check out the links below for details on several recent medical studies involving Juglone:

“Anticancer activity and mechanism of juglone on human cervical carcinoma

“Anti-proliferative effect of Juglone… on human leukemia cell…”

“Juglone can cause ultrastructural changes of human liver cancer…”

“…juglone may be a potential candidate of drug for androgen-sensitive prostate cancer

American Cancer Society says: “Of interest, small studies in the lab have suggested that a compound called juglone, which is present in black walnut, may have some antitumor activity. However, studies have not been completed to find out if juglone can help prevent cancer in humans.”

Gotta wonder what is stopping them from completing those studies.

Thanks for visiting, and remember, These Statements Have Not Been Evaluated By The Food and Drug Administration. This information is for educational use only, and not intended to cure anyone of anything ever for any reason, because what good are you if you are not diseased and paying for your medication? I mean, do you want the economy to completely collapse? You should take your expensive prescription drugs, and learn to like it. So there.


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