
My life is one long disclaimer. Hi, my name is Jay but you may know me as J.E.Moores, the author of the Hulda Clark Day Book. I’m a great dad, good husband, frustrated artist, and the dedicated owner of NaturalHealthSupply.com

My life was changed in 1996 when I helped my grandfather complete Dr. Hulda Clark’s Herbal Parasite Cleanse and Zapping programs as described in her book, The Cure For All Cancers. He was able to kick his prostate and lung cancer and live over a decade longer cancer free. It gave me time to have a daughter, and share family times together. My personal experience with Dr. Clark’s herbal cleanses and Zapper gave me the inspiration to found NaturalHealthSupply.com to provide others with an easy resource for following the Hulda Clark Lifestyle.

I am an artist, not a doctor. I cannot give out medical information because I’m just a regular guy. I’ve seen a lot since ’96 running this business. I never knew how political health topics could be! This is my personal blog where I complain about the insanity of the world, how hard it is to know what is healthy and what is trend, and anything else that triggers my interest along the way. Remember folks: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration!

Jay E Moores, owner NaturalHealthSupply.com