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Royal Raymond Rife

Of all the Pioneers of Bio Electric Medical Research, Royal Raymond Rife is the most famous. For years Rife sat at a microscope dialing different frequencies and noting down which frequencies killed certain microbes, germs, viruses, and so on. His list of mortal oscillatory rates, or MORs became his foundation for curing cancer at the cellular level. When he was able to get amazing results, his work was destroyed by the AMA and our government, as told in Barry Lynes book, The Cancer Cure That Worked. If you don’t believe there is some sort of conspiracy to kill us all, intended to keep cancer the booming business it is, well… don’t even read that book because you’re too far gone anyway. However if you want to support your beliefs that the cancer industry is protecting it’s business by keeping cures out of our hands, then check out these links:

The Rife Machine Report [PDF] – based on Dr. Rife’s words, from lab reports, and the defense trial that ended his career.

The Non-Consolidated Frequency List [PDF] – Rife frequency MORs compiled over the years.

More About Dr. Rife – interesting article on the medical conspiracy against cures. – tons of links and information on Dr. Royal Raymond Rife and his research and machines.

A note about the links that open PDF files: be sure to download each PDF and keep a copy on your computer, as you never know when they will suddenly one day “go away”.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA:

Making Zappers

Hey, Jay here. I read a lot, and when I get into a book I feel like the author has written that book just for me. I fall into a Vonnegut Breakfast Of Champions-esque delusion that there is a direct connection between the author and myself. I believe the book was written just for me.

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Herxheimer Reaction

Sir Herxalot

Hey, it’s Jay. You already know how much I love my zapper. This February I was reminded of how much I love my zapper when I recently got an ear ache from being outdoors in the windy winter weather for way too long, and that evening when my ear started to hurt the zapper gave

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Hulda Clark Interactive Video

Hulda Clark Interactive Video

There is a lot to learn about Dr. Hulda Clark’s methods of Self Health as described in her books, so I thought it would be awesome to put all the basic information together into an easy to use interactive video that works on most desktops, laptops, smartphones. Here is what I have so far.

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