FDA Wants To Keep Chickens Indoors?

FDA Chickens

I was reading an insane article about how the FDA and USDA want to restrict all farmed chickens to screened in porches. The FDA do not want laying hens to mingle with wild birds and the outdoors at all, including the organic farms that allow chickens to roam free. It is their hope this will decrease Salmonella poisoning in chicken eggs, but it makes no sense. Because limiting hundreds of thousands of chickens to be contained in small screened porches will only weaken organic standards. Who wants chickens trapped in little cubicles, living in their own filth? It’s gross and unnatural. How can that be a step toward anything but the end of free roaming organic eggs and chicken?

A few years back I read about a patent on a frequency based device that can test eggs using the resonant frequency of Salmonella. Much like the science behind a Hulda Clark Syncrometer, this device simply looks for the presence of Salmonella using the Salmonella bacteria frequency. If there is a match, the egg is removed and destroyed.

Using simple frequency based science seems a lot more humane than torturing animals. Maybe the FDA has spent too much time in their cubicle and need to get outdoors and breathe in some fresh air for a change.


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