Science catches up to Hulda Clark

I have been seeing a lot of science articles that support Hulda Clark’s theories. Dr. Clark believed that most disease is caused by a combination of pollutants and parasites. Hulda Clark believed that by removing pollutants and parasites, the immune system is free to fight and win over disease. Hulda Clark goes after parasites using an Herbal Parasite Cleanse in combination with an electronic device called a Clark Zapper to electrocute the little buggers. Dr. Clark first published these findings in 1993, and lately many of her ideas are showing up in scientific studies.

I would like to start out with one cancer study using an actual Hulda Clark Zapper:

Low-intensity electric current-induced effects on human lymphocytes and leukemia cells

Narendra P. Singh and Henry Lai
Department of Bioengineering
University of Washington
Seattle, WA

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether low-intensity current affects cells in culture. Two types of human cells: white blood cells (lymphocytes) and leukemia cells (molt-4 cells), were studied. A low-intensity time-varying electric current (0.14 milliamp) generated by the Clark Zapper was applied to cell cultures via two platinum electrodes for 2 hrs at 37o C. Cell counts were made at different times after electric current application. Results show that the current had no significant effect on human white blood cells up to 24 hrs after exposure, whereas it significantly inhibited the growth of leukemia cells. At 24 hrs after exposure, concentration of leukemia cells exposed to the electric current was only 58% of that of non-exposed leukemia cells. These data suggest that the electric current can selectively inhibit the growth of leukemia cells and does not significantly affect normal cells. A manuscript describing these results is in preparation for publication. In addition, the same electric current exposure (0.14 milliamp, 2 hrs at 37oC) was applied to E. coli bacteria cultures. No significant effect of the current was observed in E. coli cultures at 24 hrs after exposure.

Further research should investigate whether this selective electric current-induced growth inhibition also occurs in other types of cancer cells. The critical current parameters and mechanism of this effect should also be investigated.

Dr. Singh and Lai went on further with electromagnetic field (EMF) research studying malaria and cancer. Here is an excerpt from that study:

Medical applications of electromagnetic fields

This concept has been tested in vitro on malaria parasites and found to be effective. This may provide a low cost effective treatment for malaria infection in humans. The rationale for cancer treatment using low-intensity EMF is based on two concepts that have been well established in the literature: (1) low-intensity non-thermal EMF enhances cytotoxic free radicals via the iron-mediated Fenton reaction; and (2) cancer cells have higher amounts of free iron, thus are more susceptible to the cytotoxic effects of EMF. Since normal cells contain minimal amount of free iron, the effect would be selectively targeting cancer cells. Thus, no adverse side effect would be expected as in traditional chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This concept has also been tested on human cancer cell and normal cells in vitro and proved to be feasible.

Here is an excerpt from a massive study conducted by the Department of Biomedical Engineering, NovoCure Ltd., Haifa, Israel; B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel; Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel; and Elisha Medical Centre, Haifa, Israel.

Disruption of Cancer Cell Replication by Alternating Electric Fields

In the present study we show for the first time, to our knowledge, that very low-intensity (<2 V/cm), intermediate-frequency (100–300 kHz), alternating electric fields induced by insulated electrodes have specific inhibitory effects on dividing cells in culture. We demonstrate that applying these fields to cancerous cells leads to proliferation arrest and cell destruction. When applied to syngeneic mice tumor models, these tumor treating fields (TTFields) cause a significant reduction in tumor growth rate without any significant side effects.

In conclusion, we have demonstrated that TTFields inhibit both the proliferation of malignant cells in culture and the growth of tumors in mice while showing no general side effects or local histopathological damage. The mechanism of action of the fields is, at least in part, dependent on disruption of the microtubules of the mitotic spindle and the electric forces resulting from focusing of the field in the dividing cells. The highly specific effects of these fields on dividing cells, together with the relative ease of applying them, focusing them, and screening from them, make them an attractive candidate to serve as a novel treatment modality for cancer.

Dr. Robert Thiel did a study using Hulda Clark Zappers with a remarkable 97.9 % success rate. Here are a few excerpts from that study:

Bioelectrical Stimulation for People with Patterns Consistent with Certain Chronic Infections

The purpose of this pilot trial was to determine whether there may be any efficacy to combining the use of bioelectrical stimulating units with nutritional interventions for people with patterns consistent with chronic fungal, bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections. This trial was a pretest-posttest, natural control-group design where subjects were assessed before and after bioelectrical stimulation was introduced by the use of a device, most commonly referred to as a zapper. 140 of 143 (97.9%) participants reported improvement within 45 days, P<.01; 48.2% improved substantially and 49.7% improved minimally. Thus, it appears that combining bioelectrical stimulation with nutritional interventions may have efficacy and deserves further study.

There are several reasons to believe that there may be scientific justification for the use of zappers. First, it needs to be understood that precisely how the body combats parasitic infections is not fully known; this may be because many of the disease causing parasites have the ability to turn off immune responses. (Both immune and non-immune responses are involved in the body’s defenses against pathogens of all types.) It is possible that the body produces additional acid, has an IgG response, or has other actions to deal with intestinal parasites. Second, it needs to be understood that both the colon and the small intestine produce electrical spike bursts. Third, animal studies support the hypothesis that electrical stimulation has various effects on the body, including the inactivation of muscle acetyl CoA carboxylase and increasing AMP-activated protein kinase. The inactivation of muscle acetyl CoA carboxylase may temporarily increase pyruvic acid or decrease the effectiveness of normal portions of the immune system. It has been reported that researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine found that passing a current of only 50 microamps can prevent certain viruses (including HIV) from replicating.

In 2009, sixteen years after Hulda Clark first published that parasites can cause cancer, the Queensland Institute of Medical Research publishes:

Parasite turns cells cancerous

Scientists have found that the human liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini) contributes to the development of liver cancer by secreting granulin, a growth hormone that is known to cause uncontrolled cell growth.

“It has been known that certain proteins secreted by O. viverrini cause cell growth, however the identity of the protein was unknown. We also knew that the parasite secreted granulin but we did not know that it could affect the human cells around it,” said Dr Loukas.

“This discovery leads the way to a better understanding of how this parasite causes such a devastating form of cancer,” said Dr. Loukas.

It is now thought that the granulin secreted by the parasite is a major contributing factor to developing bile duct cancer.

Dr. Henry Lai, who conducted the Hulda Clark Zapper study also did a study on the herbs found in Dr. Clark’s Herbal Parasite Cleanse. The herb Wormwood is studied for it’s medicinal compound: artemisinin.

Targeted treatment of cancer with artemisinin

Artemisinin is a chemical compound that reacts with iron to form free radicals which can kill cells. Cancer cells require and uptake a large amount of iron to proliferate. They are more susceptible to the cytotoxic effect of artemisinin than normal cells. Cancer cells express a large concentration of cell surface transferrin receptors that facilitate uptake of the plasma iron-carrying protein transferrin via endocytosis. By covalently tagging artemisinin to transferrin, artemisinin could be selectively picked up and concentrated by cancer cells. Futhermore, both artemisinin and iron would be transported into the cell in one package. Once an artemisinin-tagged transferrin molecule is endocytosed, iron is released and reacts with artemisinin moieties tagged to transferrin. Formation of free radicals kills the cancer cell. The authors have found that artemisinin-tagged transferrin is highly selective and potent in killing cancer cells. Thus, artemisinin and artemisinin-tagged iron-carrying compounds could be developed into powerful anticancer drugs.

So enough of all the scientific studies with all those big confusing words. Get an easy to read book by Dr. Hulda Clark and read up on all the stuff science is just starting to figure out. All this research is in its infancy. Your doctor won’t hear about any of this stuff during your life time because it’s not being taught in medical school yet. If you have cancer you will only be offered chemotherapy and radiation. It will take decades for the medical world to embrace all these breakthroughs, but you don’t have to wait. Read a book by Hulda Clark now. Try the Herbal Parasite Cleanse. If you’re handy with electronics, build a Handmade Zapper. If building a Zapper from scratch is not your thing buy a Hulda Clark Zapper. See if it works for you. You will never know until you try. I believe we’re all mad scientists, and life is one long experiment.