Making Zappers

Hey, Jay here. I read a lot, and when I get into a book I feel like the author has written that book just for me. I fall into a Vonnegut Breakfast Of Champions-esque delusion that there is a direct connection between the author and myself. I believe the book was written just for me.

My Dad gave my wife and me Hulda Clark’s first book in 1996. Dad turned to the page of the schematic and asked me to build him a Zapper. (His dad had taught me electronics as a child. Thanks Grandpa for the basic skills.) Because Radio Shack parts came in bags of multiples, that day I built a bunch of Zappers. In all I had a Zapper for my Dad, myself, and my grandfather. We all shared our experience, and we all had different miraculous stories to tell. I was blown away how it was helping us all in different ways. I became a true believer, and started telling everyone at the science museum where I worked about it, and made Zappers for some of my co-educators.

Being an over the top science nerd otaku geek I was super excited when Hulda Clark updated the Zapper schematic into a simple to build breadboard kit to make it easy for anyone to do. Because Dr. Clark’s books are published in the public domain and invite the reader to get involved and spread the word in any way they can, it was my idea as a science & arts educator to create a free video tutorial that would help folk build their own breadboard Zapper.

The update to the Hulda Clark Zapper included the original 30 kHz Zapper with a new circuit, the 1000 Hz Zapper which is used to power a Food or Pet Zappicator north pole speaker unit. However the book forgot to mention how to switch the 30 kHz breadboard circuit to the 1000 Hz. Here is where I start to extend beyond my bounds, all because I’m obsessed with making a video tutorial and I need this crucial information to get there. I mean, this book was written for me, right? It keeps saying so! So I find listed in the Sources chapter in the back of the book, Self Health Resource Center which is where Hulda Clark personally tested the products for safety. I thought maybe they could take a note with my questions and eventually get it to Dr. Clark.

I phoned Self Health Resource Center that was at that time owned by Geoff Clark and he answered my questions. He was so friendly, I dared ask him for exact electronic part numbers from Digikey so that I could get the exact speakers and parts Hulda Clark used. Geoff sold SHRC soon after that, and I felt lucky to have been at the right place at the right time to have captured this tid-bit of information from him. I immediately created a video tutorial on YouTube and made all the information available free for anyone who wanted to build a Hulda Clark Zapper. Eventually it became the online resource: which has been used thousands of times and has helped successfully build many Zappers all over the world.

In fact, my approach has been to give away as much as possible so folk can get going on what is important, their health or wellness issue. I don’t put barriers to entry, no email sign up required, just free media, animated explainer videos, eBooks, and information. The only stuff I sell are the tangible items that cost money and need to be shipped. One of my first products, I had put together a kit that had all the electronic parts required to build a Zapper. If you already had parts, the video is free. If you don’t have parts and want to purchase them from me, I thank all those who support what I do.

My honest goal is that you get to try Zapping for yourself. Zapping changed my life, and I want to share the good news. The more and more that I saw how Hulda Clark’s work was constantly challenged, cancelled, removed or labeled misinformation, I became outraged that something that had helped my family so immensely could be stamped out for whatever reason I couldn’t understand. I noticed that the people attacking Hulda had never tried Zapping, but the folk who have a Zapper praise and defend it. I mean, you’ll never know if Zapping works for you until you try it. I mean, when is it right to listen to the people without experience?

Building a Zapper was a barrier for many, but they wanted one. I began buying Zappers from all the different manufacturers and reselling them online at Using these units, I began wishing for better simpler designs. I like things simple. I like the convenience of a low light battery, but I do not want annoying beeping sounds, or a timer, or complex digital menu. I wanted to offer both frequencies, 30 kHz and 1000 Hz in one single easy to use unit. Set the device to either frequency and flip the on/off switch. Easy.

So I began producing easy to use Zappers according to the designs by Hulda Clark. Producing short run electronics is no joke. I hired several electrical engineers, two in California, one in Hong Kong. Using the information found in the books by Hulda Clark we put our minds to it and together we produced what I sincerely believe to be the best Hulda Clark Zapper ever manufactured.

To accomplish this, I had purchased all the major Zappers on the market, including the SyncroZap and IHI Zappers used by Hulda Clark to have a look at each and cross compare waveforms on the oscilloscope. Dr. Clark demands that a Zapper’s square wave be a minimum of 1/4 volt Positive Offset, with no negative spikes. Our buddy in Hong Kong who had the most sensitive and advanced gear gave us an exhaustive list of the Positive Offset of each unit and sent screen caps if the output had any negative spikes. It was alarming. Some of the analog waves were really close, if not momentarily spiking into the negative. This knowledge allowed us to make our Zapper just a tad more Positive Offset to make sure that even at the largest possible analog spike, the waveform remains 1/4 volt Positive Offset. Our unit is calibrated considering the natural analog spike, not the top of the square wave. That’s why you can really tell the difference of our Zapper from other units. We have the Zappers from many of our competitors, and after using them all, we really believe in ours. For a week, one could Zap at night using a different Zapper, and you’d know when you’re using ours. It’s the best.


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