Good Electricity and Bad Electricity

Can electric blankets cause brain cancer?

The other day while visiting my Dad’s house I was reading an old book titled: Dictionary of Scientific Literacy and I found an interesting research article about how Extremely Low Frequency, or ELF electromagnetic fields have a link to cancer and childhood leukemia. The 1979 study by Wertheimer and Leeper suggested a link between electric power lines and childhood leukemia.  Research continued in 1990 and beyond showing evidence of utility company employees who work near power lines and transformers, and telephone workers who work on lines, are the two groups at most risk. The Dictionary of Scientific Literacy mentions one study that found ELF waves so powerful that electric blankets used by pregnant women revealed a quadrupling in risk of brain tumors among their children. During my search to write this article I found a quote from Dr. Mercola’s site that states, “Other studies have shown that the EMFs generated by electric blankets suppress melatonin production. Melatonin is the most important detox agent for your brain and is also an anti-inflammatory.”

Researching cancers caused by our electric infrastructure is controversial. Doing something about it would be nearly impossible because the whole system would have to be removed, power lines, transformers replaced, and worse, I couldn’t finish blogging this information. Because fixing the problem is unlikely, there are currently no specific OSHA standards that address extremely low frequency (ELF) fields.

One of the conundrums is that all research is considered unconvincing and inconclusive by OSHA and the US Federal Government. It’s the, if we ignore it, it might just go away approach, or… is it something else? You see, if these regulating folk agree and accept that some forms of electricity do humans harm, it is within reason that other forms of electricity can do us good. Another concept the Feds just don’t want to agree with.

Both negative and positive sides of electric fields are ignored by the powers that be. Every scientist from Tesla to Rife were shunned for their research in the medical use of frequencies because of the low cost and the harm it would do to the economy. Rife wanted to broadcast healing frequencies via radio stations for free. How could the drug companies sell antibiotics and other drugs, a trillion dollar a year industry, if common people could zap them away for just pennies using AM radio waves, resonant frequencies, or Positive Offset square waves? It’s just good business to cover up both ends of the spectrum and pretend electricity is just the stuff that makes the TV work. Why support the idea that electricity is a Natural Force with the power to give and take life? Maybe you should just stop thinking so hard and watch your favorite news channel sponsored by Big Pharma’s drug ads.


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