Tag: nikola tesla

  • A Celebration of Hulda Clark, the Scientist

    A Celebration of Hulda Clark, the Scientist

    Today is the anniversary of Hulda Clark‘s birthday. She would been 90 years old. She died on September 3, 2009 – just over a month shy of her 81st birthday. It would have been a ripe old age for her life and death to be celebrated if it weren’t for the controversy her death certificate…

  • Electricity for Longevity

    When I started using a Hulda Clark Zapper in 1996, I did so because I was curious. My father had given me a copy of Hulda Clark’s book, The Cure For All Diseases, and asked me to build him a zapper. The Radio Shack parts came in bundles, so I had enough parts to build…

  • US Patent #5188738

    Alternating current supplied electrically conductive method and system for treatment of blood and/or other body fluids and/or synthetic fluids with electric forces. Steven Kaali and Peter M. Schwolsky working with Cornell Research Foundation, Inc. New York received US Patent # 5188738 for their invention of a Zapper-like device, “… to provide electric current flow through the blood…

  • Health Secrets of the Elite 1%

    When it comes to health don’t follow the masses, look to the elites to see what they are doing. Ever notice our Senators, Medical Professionals, and the Rich 1% of America all push things like Obama Care, Genetically Modified Food, Flu Shots, Fluoridated Water, Chemotherapy, and yet, they do not use it themselves? It is…

  • Georges Lakhovsky

    Of all the Pioneers of Bio Electric Medical Research Georges Lakhovsky is my favorite. Nikola Tesla and Royal Raymond Rife are much more famous, so I find it important to share the story of Lakhovsky when ever I can. Lakhovsky believed that healthy cells emit a frequency radiation. When pathogens, bacteria, microbes, and all those…

  • Good Electricity and Bad Electricity

    The other day while visiting my Dad’s house I was reading an old book titled: Dictionary of Scientific Literacy and I found an interesting research article about how Extremely Low Frequency, or ELF electromagnetic fields have a link to cancer and childhood leukemia. The 1979 study by Wertheimer and Leeper suggested a link between electric…

  • Nikola Tesla’s Diathermy

    During the early 1900’s Nikola Tesla was experimenting with all things electric including Radio Frequency. While researching radio waves he noted that several assistants were reporting that exposure to high frequency was healing their infections, wounds, and other ailments. Tesla was intrigued by such a thought, and brought the concept to several other scientists of…

  • Pioneers of Frequency Healing

    The other day I was blown away by the concept that Einstein’s theory of relativity changed how we look at the human body, health, and wellness. Because E=MC2 it means that energy IS matter, but at a different vibratory rate. Everything is made up of pure energy. Frequency Healing is at the cutting edge of…