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In celebration of the Hulda Clark Zapper and Schematic

Today is the anniversary of Hulda Clark‘s birthday. She would been 90 years old. She died on September 3, 2009 – just over a month shy of her 81st birthday. It would have been a ripe old age for her life and death to be celebrated if it weren’t for the controversy her death certificate caused: the author of a series of books beginning with “The Cure For All Cancers” died of cancer!

I wrote Hulda Clark Cancer Mystery a few years back to unpack this ball of irony. How could she not cure herself? Did Hulda Clark die of cancer? Was she a fraud or the victim of a conspiracy by the medical community? With no biopsy prior to her death to confirm her diagnosis and no autopsy after it, we are left to simply believe. Not a scientific approach on either side of the debate.

Recent news continue to tout “fake cancer zapper” and “bogus treatments” despite advances in science that are based on the foundation laid by Hulda Clark and her predecessors in frequency therapy: Nikola Tesla, Georges Lakhovsky, and Royal Rife. We would not have FDA-approved (and prescription-only) applications such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, and Frequency Specific Microcurrent without the Hulda Clark Zapper.

It is clear that the Hulda Clark Zapper is being attacked by propaganda, not because it doesn’t work, but because it is registered in the public domain. The medical community cannot control its use. Anyone can build, use, and sell it. Essentially, the Hulda Clark Zapper is free, and while it’s free and circulating around the world without the need for a prescription, people hold the power of their health in their own hands.

The medical community likes to label anything beyond their scope as “pseudoscience” while they insist that the public simply take their word for it. How many times have the FDA and medical community pushed drugs at us and then later recalled them? How many people have died from conventional cancer therapies such as chemo and radiation?

Hulda Clark always said, “Don’t take my word for it. Be your own scientist or detective.” Hulda Clark encouraged skepticism as the beginning of scientific investigation. Too many people giving Hulda Clark bad reviews are those who have never even tried her protocols. I don’t believe anyone who speaks from a lack of experience. Hulda Clark’s books and research are not perfect, but she laid in our hands the beginning of an exciting new paradigm in health care. We hold the keys to discovery and improvement.

Books by Hulda Clark

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA:

Making Zappers

Hey, Jay here. I read a lot, and when I get into a book I feel like the author has written that book just for me. I fall into a Vonnegut Breakfast Of Champions-esque delusion that there is a direct connection between the author and myself. I believe the book was written just for me.

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Herxheimer Reaction

Sir Herxalot

Hey, it’s Jay. You already know how much I love my zapper. This February I was reminded of how much I love my zapper when I recently got an ear ache from being outdoors in the windy winter weather for way too long, and that evening when my ear started to hurt the zapper gave

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Hulda Clark Interactive Video

Hulda Clark Interactive Video

There is a lot to learn about Dr. Hulda Clark’s methods of Self Health as described in her books, so I thought it would be awesome to put all the basic information together into an easy to use interactive video that works on most desktops, laptops, smartphones. Here is what I have so far.

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