Nikola Tesla’s Diathermy

During the early 1900’s Nikola Tesla was experimenting with all things electric including Radio Frequency. While researching radio waves he noted that several assistants were reporting that exposure to high frequency was healing their infections, wounds, and other ailments. Tesla was intrigued by such a thought, and brought the concept

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Pioneers of Frequency Healing

The other day I was blown away by the concept that Einstein’s theory of relativity changed how we look at the human body, health, and wellness. Because E=MC2 it means that energy IS matter, but at a different vibratory rate. Everything is made up of pure energy. Frequency Healing is

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Why do we get sick?

I believe that the body heals and cures itself. Every day you are well is because your body fought off illness. We are constantly under attack from bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Our immune system fights off our daily invaders and we go through our day without a thought to

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Hulda Clark

My father handed me Hulda Clark’s book, The Cure For All Cancers, in 1996 and asked me to make him a Zapper. The instructions were all there including Radio Shack part numbers, so it was easy. The parts were sold in multiples, so I had enough parts to make several

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