My Dad has COVID

My Dad Has COVID

I was born in 1964. Our Maine farm house had an old fashioned crank telephone. You’d crank the thing and ask Goldie the operator to connect you with whom you wanted to call. Now we all have smartphones. I’ve seen a lot in my lifetime. In all my life politics

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Hulda Clark on the immune system and bacteria / viruses

The Chemical Reaction

Many people are turning to bleach, disinfectant, and sanitizers these days. It’s obviously not safe to drink or inject into the bloodstream, but did you know that it’s not safe for use at all? I understand your objection. After all, essential public places such as grocery stores have increased their

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Surviving Chemo when you have cancer

Surviving Chemo

I noticed that many friends of mine on FaceBook are going through chemotherapy. I worry for them. Chemo is a difficult journey. I have read all of Dr. Hulda Clark’s books, including The Cure For All Cancers, and honestly believe we have successfully applied the information when my family members

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