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Ninang Noni

Ninang Noni is a very close family friend. When she was diagnosed as possibly having breast cancer she phoned and emailed me a few times for advice on what to read up on. I suggested that she download the free Day Book and give Hulda Clark’s Herbal Parasite Cleanse and Zapper a try. Here are a few excerpts from our emails:


I’m guessing it’s the parasite cleanse I should do…last time I just did the walnut hull. That’s what I thought it was, that and the zapper…it’s more complicated, hey?

Okay, I’m not sure what to do. (Funny, I was thinking about doing a cleanse BEFORE all this happened.)

I felt like I was being pushed around, and I DO NOT want to do surgery for something that potentially is nothing at all.

So irritated. ANYway, calcium deposits that could be nothing at all, or could be an indicator of cancer that is developing. I managed to get a great surgeon to consult with who said, “No, I don’t think you’re crazy for waiting.” We’re doing another mammogram in 4 months instead of surgery. GEEZ.

I think this deposit of calcium is from my motorcycle accident. It is in exactly the same area where my vertebrae was pushed in, but (obviously) it’s on the other side…if you poked a stick through my body from the vertebrae, that’s where the calcium deposits are. They told me they can be caused by a blow to the body. HELLO!!!???

ANYway the radiologists, I think HAVE to side with one another in so far as, yes, this could indicate cancer, but it also can indicate MANY things. Sadly, because of the location, they can’t do a regular, tiny needle, out-patient biopsy. No, of course not. SO, “it may be nothing, but…they are recommending an incisional biopsy.” AKA, cutting out the entire chunk of deposits from my chest in an actual surgery.

OR, I can wait 4-6 months (she preferred 4), and just see if there is a change.

Hmmm. Surgery or do nothing.
How is this not obvious?



So, I was about to order the cleanse…Herbal Parasite Cleanse is what you’d recommend, right? I peeked at the liver one..yikes. Have you done that one? Sounds intense. I just want to clean myself out, but it looks like there are so many levels of that. Help…I’m trying not to go nuts here. I want to order it, have it sent to my mom’s, and start then.

I feel like I’m driving you crazy.
Hope not.


My doctor (GP) thinks the mammogram is a hullabaloo, and she agreed with me to wait a full 6 months…1/2 way there. I haven’t done the monthly thing after doing the full course. How do you ” keep up”. Once a month? I did do walnut hull one day I felt sick, and I zap when I feel sick, but not the other stuff.



The calcifications reduced in size to a benign state!!

What a great day.

My doctor was awesome. The radiologist was insisting on surgery, last mammogram. The surgeon said she thought someone was making a mountain out of a mole hill… She backed me up about just waiting. Today she said, ” There’s guidelines and procedures, but sometimes you just have to be rational about what’s going on.” I love her. And I am SO glad I trusted my instincts.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA:

Making Zappers

Hey, Jay here. I read a lot, and when I get into a book I feel like the author has written that book just for me. I fall into a Vonnegut Breakfast Of Champions-esque delusion that there is a direct connection between the author and myself. I believe the book was written just for me.

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Herxheimer Reaction

Sir Herxalot

Hey, it’s Jay. You already know how much I love my zapper. This February I was reminded of how much I love my zapper when I recently got an ear ache from being outdoors in the windy winter weather for way too long, and that evening when my ear started to hurt the zapper gave

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Hulda Clark Interactive Video

Hulda Clark Interactive Video

There is a lot to learn about Dr. Hulda Clark’s methods of Self Health as described in her books, so I thought it would be awesome to put all the basic information together into an easy to use interactive video that works on most desktops, laptops, smartphones. Here is what I have so far.

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