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Books by Hulda Clark

I spent the evening reading Customer Reviews of Dr. Hulda Clark’s books.

Healthcare is a strange world. In no other area do those without experience seem to voice their opinion more. If your car stopped working, people who have no experience with cars never tell you how to fix it. That would be insane.

While reading the book reviews I noticed two groups of people: Those who have read the book and received results from following the instructions, and the group of people who refuse to even try anything found in the book, or even read the book. Many of these people write well and seem educated, so when did it become OK for them to speak from inexperience? When did the opinion of those who do not try something ever matter? It’s not even a review at that point.

All I care about is hearing a review from those who did follow the advice in the book, and the story of how it went. That’s the information that helps people. The only way to know if Dr. Clark’s Herbal Parasite Cleanse and Zapper works for you is to try it. Experience is a great teacher. Check out the reviews from those who read and applied the information found in Dr. Hulda Clark’s books here.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA:

Making Zappers

Hey, Jay here. I read a lot, and when I get into a book I feel like the author has written that book just for me. I fall into a Vonnegut Breakfast Of Champions-esque delusion that there is a direct connection between the author and myself. I believe the book was written just for me.

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Herxheimer Reaction

Sir Herxalot

Hey, it’s Jay. You already know how much I love my zapper. This February I was reminded of how much I love my zapper when I recently got an ear ache from being outdoors in the windy winter weather for way too long, and that evening when my ear started to hurt the zapper gave

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Hulda Clark Interactive Video

Hulda Clark Interactive Video

There is a lot to learn about Dr. Hulda Clark’s methods of Self Health as described in her books, so I thought it would be awesome to put all the basic information together into an easy to use interactive video that works on most desktops, laptops, smartphones. Here is what I have so far.

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